All the hours, all the effort, all the conversations and all the brainstorming came to culmination two weeks ago with the virtual Ag Biz Planner Final Conference and Graduation. Farm Credit of the...
Ambitious and prepared new college graduates enter the workforce each year. There are approximately 59,400 annual openings in the field of food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and the...
You’ve probably heard at some point a statement similar to the following: “Less than 2% of the population is directly involved in agriculture” or “a very small percentage of the population has a...
Choosing the Best Type of Christmas Tree Choosing the family Christmas tree is the perfect way to create memories and traditions that can last a lifetime. Most people can tell stories of family visits...
RG Cattle Company is a family-owned stocker operation located in Check, Virginia. They maintain a weekly cattle buying station and are a dealer of performance feeds. In the Ag & Culture video...
More and more producers are recognizing the opportunities inherent in agritourism and farm-based education. They see it as an extended growing season, where visitors yearning for a bucolic getaway are...
Greenmount Heritage LLC is a diversified, family-owned farm situated among the rolling hills of Rockingham County, VA. Greenmount Heritage is owned and operated by the Bailey family. Craig Bailey is...
The work of WVU Extension Service is woven throughout the fabric of all 55 West Virginia counties. For more than 115 years, our faculty and staff have been carrying out WVU’s land-grant mission of...
The West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) Veterans and Warriors to Agriculture has some exciting news to share! Earlier this month, the program officially became West Virginia Veterans and...
When you think of youth programs in agriculture, the names that usually come to mind are FFA and 4-H. These two nationally recognized organizations remain top of the list when it comes to building...
“C’mon!” my husband shouted from the UTV. “The cows are in the hayfield!” I was in the barn filling buckets of feed. Our 11-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter were out bringing their show heifers...
Soil & Water Conservation Districts are the local “boots on the ground” available to educate, and provide expertise on conservation practices that can help conserve the natural resources on your farm and property.
Bob’s Market & Greenhouses was founded in 1970 by Robert “Bob” Barnitz and his wife, Corena. The business started as a roadside market selling fresh produce. Now in its 50th year of operation, Bob’s...
There is no hiding the fact that FFA is a unique organization with unique circumstances. Where else in high school do you find castration tools and extra panty hose in the same place?
We can take a look at where we have been, where we are now, and know that we must be prepared for where we are headed. The speed of change is fast, especially when it comes to agriculture. It is hard...